Hey, I'm back... if you're wondering who am I? I am The Insider. It is for me to know and for you to find out. hehehe.... so try finding out!
Alright, getting on with business.After searching hi and lo... in and out... the Boss had came out with a list. A list of the committee of Youth Camp 2006. who will that be?? hmmm..... is it you? or is it you? suspense.... but fret not you'll noe right after this (scroll la) . Wait, wait but before that, do you guys and gals have any clue about this year's camp theme? Last year was The Appointed so what about this year? lalallaa... could it be........ or could it be...... Stay tuned la if you wanna find out. Ok, the moment you all had been waiting for...... Let me present you the diligent bunch..... The Committee of Youth Camp 2006
The Advisor : Mr Kenny Chin
The Boss: Mr. David Yong
His Apprentices: Julian Koay, Daniel Seliong, Sara Lee
The Secretary : Ernest Tee
His Apprentice : Cheryl Lim
The Accountant : Kyleen Teh
Her Apprentice : Samson Yap
Operator? : Tan Su Ann
Her Apprentice : Amelia Tee
The Rock Star : Melvin Lee
His Apprentice : Laura Yee
CreativeMind : Alison Seow
Her Apprentice : Wong Tzi-Li
The Timer/alarm Clock (Prog. Co.) : Jayson Phuan
His Apprentice : Amy Tan
The full time Gamers : Reuben Ponniah
His Apprentice : Nigel Lim
Presentations : Jayson Phuan
Amen Ministry : Chun Shie Yee
Mini " De' Connection" : Sarah Ng
The Builder (Logistic) : Kevin Chin
Soundman, Lightsman and Stageman : Shaun Lim
The Crew : Kevin Wong, Chee Lup Yan, Nicholas Choo, Benjamin Hean, Jarrod Phuan
Those officers(Watch Out for them!) : Kenny Chin, David Yong, Julian Koay, Daniel Seliong, Sara Lee and Youth Alive Leaders
* Meant only for those who have great understanding.
End of episode 1....................