Wednesday, December 06, 2006



In a private disclosed phone conversation with The Boss,I managed to get an exclusive interview with The Boss. In my interview with him,i quote him..
"Those who are in need of financial assistance,we (Youth Camp 2006) are ever ready here to help.."
"If there's any youths or their friends and family buddies who needs financial help to come for camp they definitely can approach us for assistance. We are here to help them out in any way we can.."
So what are you waiting for?? Financial assistance is available! << Ka-CHing!! >>
But... i quote him again, "We are every ready to support those who are in need of financial assistance,But come talk to us first and we will work out our best to help you.."

So peeps,if you know of any of your buddies and friends who you know needs the extra "help" to come for camp..
Don't feel shy and afraid to give either The Boss or The General a call. You know who to call aight!!

Here's the Boss' number: Mr.David Yong at 016 275 7740
and you can definitely call The General: Comd. Gideon at 012 234 2822

GOD will make a way where there seems to be no way,and Youth Alive! loves that quote of God and we believe in it!! So here's one of the ways God makes a way.. Finance!

The Insider signing off with more juicy stuff to come..

The Insider